The Myths of Vulnerability
by Sarah on January 15, 2019
One of the main reasons we struggle with vulnerability is because there are powerful cultural myths about what vulnerability is and what it is not. Most of us at some point in our lives have bought into these myths.
Myth #1 is Vulnerability is Weakness.
Culturally, we are raised to believe that regardless of what is going on we need to armor up, brace against the difficulty, soldier on and push through. If we’re not able to do this, then we are weak.
But, this doesn’t bear up under the research findings of what it means to live courageously. In Brené Brown’s research on shame, vulnerability and courage she says, “you can only imagine, for me personally, what it meant to look back over 13,000 pieces of data and not be able to find a single example of courage that wasn’t all about vulnerability.”
Vulnerability isn’t about weakness, it’s about strength. It exemplifies the courage to show up, take a risk, be seen… even when there is no certainty of the outcome.
Courage is about telling our stories with our whole heart. We find connection when we are present in our lives in spite of the imperfect, messy parts.
We sometimes falter in our attempt to live wholeheartedly because when we believe vulnerability is weakness, we can also believe some paradoxes of vulnerability. We may think vulnerability is courage and strength in another person, but it is weakness in ourselves. Often, it’s the first thing we look for when meeting someone new, we want to know they’re real. But, it’s the last thing we want to expose within ourselves.
We’ll be unpacking this myth, and the other 3 myths from Brené Brown’s research, in the upcoming The Daring Way™, a 12-week online course with personalized coaching from me. The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, a leading shame, vulnerability and courage researcher.
The method was developed to help us learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing a courage practice that transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead. Sharing our stories, within a safe group of people, we’ll let go of what we’re supposed to be and embrace who we truly are.
The core elements of the course include:
- Increasing Shame-Resilience by practicing critical awareness, recognizing shame and its triggers, reaching out and speaking shame
- Learning and practicing the five Attributes of Empathy
- Learning the difference between guilt and shame
- Debunking the myths of vulnerability
- Embracing compassion, courage and connection
- Accessing the power of owning our stories
- Recognizing that vulnerability is our most accurate measure of courage
We will meet every week for 12 weeks, starting on September 3rd
WHERE: ZOOM virtual online meeting room
WHEN: Tuesdays from 12pm-1:30pm ET, September 3rd – November 19th
COST: 3-monthly payments of $179 or $499 when paid in full
HOW: Click here to grab your spot! Spaces are very limited.