It’s not the critic who counts
by Sarah on January 15, 2019
Part of why this quote resonates so deeply with many of us is because we know what it’s like to be in the Arena.
It could be presenting an idea at work, an honest conversation with a friend, trying to get pregnant, putting your creative expression out there for all to see…
Most of our Arena moments aren’t grandiose Gladiator events, but small acts of courage one right after the other. But, just like actually being in the Arena, the cheap seats are always full of critics.
When we’re trying to show up, be seen and live brave, part of what we must come face-to-face with is the messages and expectations that say:
“you should wait until you get another certification”
“you can’t get new headshots to launch your business until you lose 10 lbs.”
“no one is interested in what you have to say”
“your ideas aren’t unique, everyone’s already thought of this”
Sometimes this critical voice comes from others. Sometimes it comes from ourselves. But, successfully taking risks and “daring greatly,” as Theodore Roosevelt said, is about learning how to navigate and overcome these messages so when we’re face down in our Arena, we have perspective and courage to rise again.
An excellent place to practice this is in the upcoming Daring Way™, a 12-week online course with personalized coaching from me. The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, a leading shame, vulnerability and courage researcher.
The method was developed to help us learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing a courage practice that transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead. Sharing our stories, within a safe group of people, we’ll let go of what we’re supposed to be and embrace who we truly are.
We will meet every week for 12 weeks, starting on September 3rd
WHERE: ZOOM virtual online meeting room
WHEN: Tuesdays from 12pm-1:30pm ET, September 3rd – November 19th
COST: 3-monthly payments of $179 or $499 when paid in full
HOW: Click here to grab your spot! Spaces are very limited.